Jacob Fischer Trio : "Django"

 -  With Francesco Calì (IT)

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...I mellemtiden har vi så fået lyttet ”Django” igennem adskillige gange, og jeg synes det er en meget fin cd, du der har lavet. 

Poetisk og gennemmusikalsk og med mod til at hvile i udtrykket uden dynamikken på noget tidspunkt går fløjten. Din kærlighed til Django, som jo altid har været tydelig, kommer her frem på en meget selvstændig måde. 

Udtrykket er videreført og der er ikke på nogen måde tale om plagiat, men om inspiration fra den store sigøjner. Og så er det smukt, at du også sender en hilsen til hans bror.
Til lykke med den udgivelse.

- Finn Slumstrup


Jacob Fischer : Guitar
Francesco Calì : Accordion
Hugo Rasmussen : Kontrabas
Janus Templeton : trommer
Regin Fuhlendorf : rytmeguitar

Martin Lutz anmeldelse "Django" på jazzstjerner.dk
5/5 stjerner
læs hele anmeldelsen på jazzstjerner.dk

Jazzbloggeren Niels Overgård har anmeldt :
"..når man hører Cali's accordion presser tårerne på. Det er så smukt...
Jacob Fischer har endnu en gang lavet en jazzplade til et stort publikum, der ikke lefler eller går på kompromis. Den musikalske standard er megahøj hele vejen rundt..."
Læs hele anmeldelsen

"..Utan tvekan är detta för mig årets skiva och ett mästerverk som går rakt in i hjärtat!"

Betyg fem 5/5*****

Lasse Seger Orkester Journalen

Med udgivelsen af CDen "Jacob Fischer trio feat. Svend Asmussen" i 2008 tog en af danmarks mest anmelderroste og prisbelønnede jazzmusikere sig endelig sammen til at få indspillet i eget navn - efter at have medvirket på over 150 CDer.

Nu er han klar med opfølgeren "Django" som selvfølgelig er en hyldest til den legendariske sigøjner guitarist Django Reinhardt, der trods sit handicap - han kun havde to brugbare fingre på venstre hånd - blev en af musikhistoriens helt store virtuoser og stilskabere.

Hugo Rasmussen der netop har rundet 70 år, bidrager med sit solide, dybe basspil, som sammen med Janus Templetons idérige og sprudlende, legesyge trommer giver en perfekt platform til Kapelmesterens usædvanligt overskudsagtige guitarspil.

Med tilføjelsen af den Sicilianske accordion mester Francesco Calì får musikken et charmerende sydlandsk touch - "Jazz med middelhavs stemning".

Akkordion og akustisk guitar er en usædvanlig velklingende og indsmigrende kombination som lader til at ramme publikum lige i hjertet - begejstringen ude på spillestederne har været både rørende og overvældende. Jacob Fischer har komponeret en stribe nye numre til gruppen inspireret af både sigøjner jazz og af Brasiliansk choro. Der er også afstikkere til Italiensk filmmusik og et par danske standards.

Song list and liner notes
download sheetmusic Napolitana (Jacob Fischer)

No – it's not named after Pizza but after the evocative Neapolitan chord which is a minor subdominant with a raised 5th. In B minor it's a C major chord.
download sheetmusic Metabolic Age (Jacob Fischer)

At a gig I stumbled upon the TANITA body composition analyzer which supposedly through your bare feet can calculate BMI, fat, bone and muscle percentage and : Metabolic age... mine was 27 :-) .. the song is loosely based on the chord changes to ”Young At Heart”
download sheetmusic Small Teardrop (Jacob Fischer)

I finished this tune only the day before recording and it has a certain sadness about it.
Django (John Lewis) The title song of the album is a modern jazz classic written by pianist John Lewis for ”the Modern Jazz Quartet” in the year Django died (1953)
Sonho Carioca (Jacob Fischer) I've always been a big fan of Brazilian music and musicians – not least the amazing guitarists ! I had my first visit to Brazil in 2011 a ”Sonho Carioca” come true.
Theme For Ernie (Fred Lacey) Always had this ”film noir” empty rainy streets feeling about this beautiful ballad. Loved it ever since I first heard it with John Coltrane who made it famous. Ernie is altosax Ernie Henry who had a very short life.
download sheetmusic Frère Joseph (Jacob Fischer) This tune is dedicated to Djangos brother Joseph who played rhythm guitar in the Hot Club de France – and also a tribute to all the unsung heroes of the rhythm guitar.
Retrato Em Branco e Preto (Zingaro)(A.C. Jobim) Another fantastic composition by A.C. Jobim. Its secondary title means gypsy in portuguese very appropriate for the concept of this album
Accent Circonflexe (Jacob Fischer) Another francophile title. The ^ is not only a linguistic term - in music it represents an accented short note - of which there are plenty in this tune.
Brother Can You Spare A Dime ? (Harburg/Gorney) Recently I was offered some solo guitar recitals which I reluctantly accepted knowing it is an enormous challenge – musically and instrumentally - I'm finally beginning to enjoy it. A good thing about the financial crisis is that all of a sudden you'll hear Bing Crosby singing this song on a very serious radio programme about the sad state of the economy.
Parisian Thorughfare (Bud Powell) OK this is your wake-up call if you've been dozing off a bit from the velvety sound of accordion and acoustic guitar – program music by Bebop innovator Bud Powell portraying Parisian (accentuated by the accordion) traffic. Imagine yourself in the middle of one of the 6 lane round-abouts with no lane stripes..it's rush hour and you're trying to fight your way to the right exit..
Amarcord (Nino Rota) Hearing our version of this someone said : ”It's just like being there” meaning ”Bella Italia” – so you just saved the trip ! Francesco contributed this lovely tune by his fellow countryman Nino Rota the famed composer of some of the worlds greatest film music scores. This is actually two pieces from the Fellini film Amarcord put together.
download sheetmusic Hugos Howl (Jacob Fischer) I wrote this as a feature for my friend Hugo Rasmussen who of course plays bass on this album but is also (in)famous for his oral contributions on stage i.a. Howls.
Den Allersidste Dans (Kai Normann Andersen) The Very Last Dance is a Danish standard Francesco suggested we add to our repertoire.

Huset På Christianshavn (Steen Holkenov) Is the theme song of a popular TV show in Denmark written by our friend pianist Steen Holkenov.